Expressive art evokes emotion and energy,


using marks that are loose, showing the nature of the materials.


I strive to create art that is expressive.

Hi there!

I'm Clare.


Born into a large family, I was nurtured early on to explore my creativity. I am always seeking like-minded people to play with. Whether hiking on a trail or creating visual art, playing is my happy place.

Long story short…I earned an Art degree and started my career as a graphic designer. Married my high school sweetheart, settled in Newport, Washington and raised 2 children. I taught art at the public schools for 11 years. 

I am fortunate to be able to explore my passion for art. My Paint & Party Events fulfill my yearning to share the joy of art-making.

I have arrived!

Being an artist gives me an “I have arrived” feeling, because my life is balanced and fulfilling.

My artistic journey is

my way of communicating.

All the time spent in my studio learning, playing and making mistakes is worth it because it’s my comfort, my expression, and my way of spreading joy.

my favorite hang outs

Your love notes will be posted here.

Make your life artful for the joy of it.